Category: General Courtyard Marriott – Marsh Hill Auction

Courtyard Marriott – Marsh Hill Auction

July 8, 2023

Preview 1:00PM day of Sale.

Held at the Courtyard Marriott
136 Marsh Hill Rd Orange Ct 06477
Exit 41 off 195

A wonderful collection of Furniture, 1880s Inlay desks, Syrian Inlay Gaming Table, Early English Furniture, Mirrors, Large French Ornate Gilt Bed Cornice. Dining Room Table and Chairs, Sideboard, Louis Comfort Tiffany Favrile Floriform Vase , LCT Small Cordial Cups, Two 18k Patex Philippe Pocket Watches, 2 Tiffany 14k Women’s Wrist Watches’, 1 Tiffany Stainless Steel Wrist Watch, Gold Jewelry including a Poodle Pin by Tiffany. 14k Charm Bracelet with many charms. Large Collection of Tiffany Sterling, many other Sterling pieces, Paintings, Portraits, Lenox Dinnerware made for Tiffany China, Signed Documents from Woodrow Wilson, Jonathan Trumbull, Asian, China, Lenox China, Oriental rugs, Bronzes, Glassware, large collection of Decoys, Lighting, Arts and Crafts, Books, much more.

Left and Phone Bids accepted.

Courtyard Marriott
136 Marsh Hill Rd.
Orange,CT 06477
United States of America

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